Let's market your business.
Introvert style.

Get started with my 5 day Instagram Reels challenge for introverts. Yes, Instagram Reels. Never fear, you'll get prompts, idea, and help so reels feel like a total breeze.

Coming soon

Maybe you can relate...

You want systems and education to help you make the most of the time you spend building your business.

you're an introvert trying to manage your social battery and show up online without exhausting yourself.

You're overwhelmed by learning all the business things: website design, social media, marketing, sales. It's a lot.

YOu started you business so you could work less, but you find yourself working CONSTANtly.

Don't worry, you're in the right place!

Around here I share my best info on marketing strategy, social media marketing, DIY branding, Canva tips, and more! I’m also a total kitchen troll (ask me anything about the science of food!), 100% willing to stop for ice cream or coffee, and always looking for ways for entrepreneurs to do more marketing with less work. Let’s do this.

I believe that marketing your business shouldn’t be an endless roller coaster of content creation. So, my job is to teach you how to create strategic marketing systems (that look and sound like you) so you can spend less time working and more time doing life.

Hey, there. I'm Andrea.

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